What is GFC?
GFC is a relatively new procedure introduced to help people suffering from hair loss and for skin rejuvenation. It’s a more advanced version of PRP that offers greater results. This methodology is more advanced than the standard PRP therapy.
Here, instead of platelets, growth factors in high concentration are extracted from the platelets and injected directly into the scalp or skin. This procedure is totally safe, acellular, and autologous. Benefits of GFC Treatment for Hair Loss.
Process of GFC:
Blood is collected and mixed in GFC tubes, allowed to stand for 30 minutes which releases growth factors like PDGF, VEGF, EGF, and IGF-1 from the platelets. After centrifugation for approximately 10 minutes, GFC is collected and used on the desired part of the skin.
Benefits of GFC treatment : * Reduced hair fall * Thicker and fuller hair in volume * Benefits people in the early Alopecia stages * Short-duration treatment – takes only about 30 minutes to complete * Safe, non-invasive, and no scarring involved * Sustained hair regrowth of about 75-80 percent
Who need to take GFC * Both men and women. Male balding and hair thinning is talked about extensively, but women do not often get the same benefit of widespread information. The fact is that women can lose hair, too, due to several different factors. * Those suffering from androgenic alopecia or other forms of alopecia. This is also known as male/female pattern baldness. It is a hereditary condition that affects around 80 million people in the United States alone. * A sizeable age range of people. Many successful clinical trials have been tested with people ranging from 18 to 72 years of age. * Those suffering from hair loss due to high stress levels. Since this condition is not chronic, it can be treated rather easily. * Those who have recently experienced hair loss. The more recent the hair loss occurred, the better your chances are of fixing it before it is too late for PRP injections. * Those with thinning or balding hair, but not completely bald people. PRP injections are meant to thicken, strengthen, and grow hair from follicles that are still functioning, however weakly this may seem.